Getting started with WordPress or starting over?

Getting started with WordPress or starting over?

I know working on your website is no small thing and DIY-ing it is just like your entrepreneurial journey — kinda trippy, kinda fun, kinda like you're never done. 🙈

Remember to pace yourself and break them into small tasks. If you really have no idea where to start, I always recommend:

  • Starting with backing up your website and updating/checking on security.
  • (Check out Module 2 of the StartUp Kit or in WP 101 Security courses)
  • Drawing and planning your design before tackling your page in your theme or page builder.
  • (Take a peek at last week's office hour recap)
  • Sit down and write down where you'd like to be in 3 months, 6 months and a year. What can you do right now that will help you to move the needle to your next milestone?

There's no need for perfection here (trust me, I can spend 10 min moving things one pixel left and right to decide on the perfect spot 😑). You will 'perfect' it over time as you gain more and more clarity with your messaging, your process and the tech to support your workflow.

Your website can be the focal point and center of your entire business process and workflow.

DIY it one step at a time.


It's the free mini course before the course

Is WordPress right for you? Where do you even start? FB comments/opinions have you confused? Here's the quick start video guide to help you make a decision (and stick to it!).

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