One of the best things about using a page builder is that you have control globally of your entire site. So you make one change that's on a ...
This is a quick introduction into conditionals. This is something that Thrive Architect added sometime within the last year that is actually quite a large game changer, and ...
Creating templates & symbolsWe're going to talk about something that's going to be really, really useful for you as you're building your website. And that is templates and ...
Fun with links In this video, we're going to talk about all the fun things about links. The three types of links that we're going to be adding ...
Responsive designOne of the most important things to think about when you're building your website is your responsive design, which means really how does it look on tablet ...
Opening Thrive Architect editing window We're going to take a look at how to edit your content with Thrive Architect. So there are a couple of ways of ...